If you or someone close to you has been sexually assaulted:Immediately following a sexual assault, take whatever steps you can to ensure your safety. You can call AMHC’s sexual assault helpline: 1-800-871-7741. This number will connect you with a trained sexual assault advocate who can listen, offer support, and give you information to help you decide what to do next.
You don't need to report |
AMHC Sexual Assault Services is funded in part by Maine's Department of Health and Human Services, and your generous public and private donations. AMHC Sexual Assault Services is a program of Aroostook Mental Health Center and is a member of the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault.
In accordance with federal regulations, AMHC Sexual Assault Services does not discriminate in the access to or provision of its services. |
For help, call us at
1-800-871-7741. Phone help is available 24/7. AMHC Sexual Assault Services serves Aroostook, Hancock, and Washington Counties. |